Frequently Asked Questions

American Well Drilling and Pump Service in Newcastle, CA can answer any questions that are frequently asked.
Q.Can I get a copy of my well log report?

A. If we drilled your well, please call our office and we will be happy to provide your well log report

Q. Are there any options if my well is not producing as many gallons per minute as I would like?

A. Yes. We can deepen your well, drill a new well or add a storage tank system.

Q. Do I need a permit to deepen a well or to drill for a new well?

A. Yes, you will need a permit. Check with your county office or give us a call for details.

Q. I am concerned if I drill a well on my property, that my taxes will go up. Is this true?

A. Yes, because it is an improvement to your property, so your taxes will more than likely go up.

Q. Can a water meter be placed on my well by a water agency?

A. In most counties, they should not be allowed to put a water meter on your well.

Q. I think my well is dry, I woke up and this morning I had no water. Is it dry?

A. This could be due to a mechanical failure, please give us a call and we can determine what the cause is and get you back up and running in no time.
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